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Niavaran Garden - The Second Architects Night - Spring 2022



The National Conference on Magnificent Buildings - The Saran Ejlas Hall - Winter 2022


Lecture on "The effect of Praxeology in the architectural design process" 


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MARCH 2022
2021 March
2020 Dec
Architectural and Interior Design Exhibition - Summer 2020



2020 March
khane Kaboutar - The Architects Night - Spring 2019



2018 Dec
The Fifth National Conference on Sustainable Architecture - The Saran Ejlas Hall - Fall2018


As the executive secretary of the conference and Lecture on « Promotion of Architecture and Education of the Young Generation »


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Reflections of the Conference in the News Agency



Judgment - Qazvin Azad University - Summer 2018



International Conference Center - Shahid Beheshti University - Winter 2018


First V-Ray Symposium - From university to professional experience


Architecture Online TV - Memeari Tv `s Press Confrence - Summer 2018


Your Responsibility in Promoting Architecture


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Ziafat Program - Goftogu Radio - Summer 2017


As a Secretary of the Architecture Department of the Architecture Guild Association in a press confetence with :


    Dr. Izadpanah, CEO of Steel Alborz Company

    Mr. Hoseini Lahiji, A member of the great committee of the Furniture and Decoration Council

    Dr. Jlali, Vice President of the Association of Organizers of Building Design Exhibitions

    Dr. Ansari, General Secretary of Household Appliances Production Planning Staff


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